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File IO improvements in .NET 6


For .NET 6, we have made FileStream much faster and more reliable, thanks to an almost entire re-write. For same cases, the async implementation is now a few times faster!

We also recognized the need of having more high-performance file IO features: concurrent reads and writes, scatter/gather IO and introduced new APIs for them.


File I/O is better, stronger, faster! – Rob Fahrni

If you are not into details, please see Summary for a short recap of what was changed.

Introduction to FileStream

Before we deep dive into the details, we need to explain few concepts crucial to understanding what was changed. Let’s first take a look at the two most flexible FileStream constructors and discuss their arguments:

public FileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
public FileStream(SafeFileHandle handle, FileAccess access, int bufferSize, bool isAsync)
  • path is a relative or absolute path to a file. The file can be a:
    • Regular file (the most common use case).
    • Symbolic link – FileStream dereferences symbolic links and opens the target instead of the link itself.
    • Pipe or a socket – for which CanSeek returns false, while Position and Seek() just throw.
    • Character, block file and more.
  • handle is a handle or file descriptor provided by the caller.
  • mode is an enumeration that tells FileStream whether the given file should be opened, created, replaced, truncated or opened for appending.
  • access specifies the intent: reading, writing, or both.
  • share describes whether we want to have exclusive access to the file (FileShare.None), share it for reading, writing or even for deleting the file. If you have ever observed a “file in use” error, it means that someone opened the file first and locked it using this enumeration.
  • bufferSize sets the size of the FileStream private buffer used for buffering. When a user requests a read of n bytes, and n is less than bufferSize, FileStream is going to try to fetch bufferSize-many bytes from the operating system, store them in its private buffer and return only the requested n bytes. The next read operation is going to return from the remaining buffered bytes and ask the OS for more, only if needed. This performance optimization allows FileStream to reduce the number of expensive sys-calls, as copying bytes is simply cheaper.
    • Buffering is also applied to all Write*() methods. That is why calling Write*() doesn’t guarantee that the data is immediately saved to the file and we need to call Flush*() to flush the buffer. On top of that, every operating system implements buffering to reduce disk activity. So most of the sys-calls don’t perform actual disk operations, but copy memory from user to kernel space. If we want to force the OS to flush the data to the disk, we need to call Flush(flushToDisk: true).
    • Buffering is enabled by default (the default for bufferSize is 4096).
    • To disable the FileStream buffering, just pass 1 (works for every .NET) or 0 (works for .NET 6 preview 6+) as bufferSize.
    • If you ever needed to disable the OS buffering in a .NET app, please provide your feedback in #27408 which would help us to prioritize the feature request.
  • isAsync allows for controlling whether the file should be opened for asynchronous or synchronous IO. The default value is false, which translates to synchronous IO. If you open FileStream for synchronous IO, but later use any of its *Async() methods, they are going to perform synchronous IO (no cancellation support) on a ThreadPool thread which might not scale up as well as if the FileStream was opened for asynchronous IO. The opposite is also an issue on Windows: if you open FileStream for asynchronous IO, but call a synchronous method, it’s going to start an asynchronous IO operation and block waiting for it to complete.
  • options is a flags enumeration that supports further configuration of behaviors, including isAsync.



We have used FileStream benchmarks from the dotnet/performance repository. The harness was obviously BenchmarkDotNet (version 0.13.1). See the full historical results from our lab.

For the purpose of this blog post, we have run the benchmarks on an x64 machine (Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores) with an SSD drive. The machine was configured for dual boot of Windows 10 (10.0.18363.1621) and Ubuntu 18.04. The results can’t be used for absolute numbers comparison, as on Windows the disk encryption was enabled, using BitLocker. For the sake of simplicity we refer to Ubuntu results using term “Unix” as all non-Windows optimizations apply to all Unix-like Operating Systems.

How to read the Results

Legend for reading the tables with benchmark results:

  • options, share, fileSize, userBufferSize: Value of the options|share|fileSize|userBufferSize parameter.
  • Mean: Arithmetic mean of all measurements.
  • Ratio: Mean of the ratio distribution (in this case it’s always [.NET 6]/[.NET 5]).
  • Allocated: Allocated memory per single operation (managed only, inclusive, 1KB = 1024B).
  • 1 ns: 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec).
Method Runtime share Mean Ratio
GetLength .NET 5.0 Read 1,932.00 ns 1.00
GetLength .NET 6.0 Read 58.52 ns 0.03

For the table presented above, we can see that the GetLength benchmark was taking 1932 ns to execute on average with .NET 5, and only 58.52 ns with .NET 6. The ratio column tells us that .NET 6 was on average taking 3% of .NET 5 total time execution. We can also say that .NET 6 is 33 (1.00 / 0.03) times faster than .NET 5 for this particular benchmark and environment.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at what we have changed.

Performance improvements

Based on feedback from our customers (#16354, #25905) and some additional profiling with Visual Studio Profiler we have identified key CPU bottlenecks of the Windows implementation.

.NET 5 sys-calls

By using Visual Studio Memory Profiler we have tracked down all allocations:

.NET 5 Visual Studio Profiler CallTree, File IO improvements in .NET 6

Seek and Position

After some decent amount of brainstorming, we got to the conclusion that all performance bottlenecks in FileStream.ReadAsync() and FileStream.WriteAsync() methods were caused by the fact that when FileStream was opened for asynchronous IO, it was synchronizing the file offset with Windows for every asynchronous operation. A blog post from the Windows Server Performance Team calls the API that allows for doing that (SetFilePointer() method) an anachronism:

The old DOS SetFilePointer API is an anachronism. One should specify the file offset in the overlapped structure even for synchronous I/O. It should never be necessary to resort to the hack of having private file handles for each thread.

We decided to stop doing that for seekable files and simply track the offset only in memory, and use sys-calls that always require us to provide the file offset in an explicit way. We have done that for both Windows and Unix implementation. We discuss this breaking change later in this post.

[Arguments(OneKibibyte, FileOptions.None)]
[Arguments(OneKibibyte, FileOptions.Asynchronous)]
public void SeekForward(long fileSize, FileOptions options)
    string filePath = _sourceFilePaths[fileSize];
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, FourKibibytes, options))
        for (long offset = 0; offset < fileSize; offset++)
            fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

[Arguments(OneKibibyte, FileOptions.None)]
[Arguments(OneKibibyte, FileOptions.Asynchronous)]
public void SeekBackward(long fileSize, FileOptions options)
    string filePath = _sourceFilePaths[fileSize];
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, FourKibibytes, options))
        for (long offset = -1; offset >= -fileSize; offset--)
            fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.End);


Since FileStream.Seek() and FileStream.Position are no longer performing a sys-call, but just access the position stored in memory, we can observe an improvement from 10x to 100x.

Method Runtime fileSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
SeekForward .NET 5.0 1024 None 580.88 μs 1.00 168 B
SeekForward .NET 6.0 1024 None 56.01 μs 0.10 240 B
SeekBackward .NET 5.0 1024 None 2,273.19 μs 1.00 169 B
SeekBackward .NET 6.0 1024 None 60.67 μs 0.03 240 B
SeekForward .NET 5.0 1024 Asynchronous 2,623.50 μs 1.00 200 B
SeekForward .NET 6.0 1024 Asynchronous 61.30 μs 0.02 272 B
SeekBackward .NET 5.0 1024 Asynchronous 5,354.25 μs 1.00 200 B
SeekBackward .NET 6.0 1024 Asynchronous 66.63 μs 0.01 272 B

The increased amount of allocated memory comes from the abstraction layer that we have introduced to support the .NET 5 Compatibility mode, which also helped increase the code maintainability: we now have a few separate FileStream strategy implementations instead of one with a lot of if blocks.


Unix implementation is no longer performing the lseek sys-call and we can observe a very nice x25 improvement for the SeekForward benchmark.

Method Runtime fileSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
SeekForward .NET 5.0 1024 None 447.915 μs 1.00 161 B
SeekForward .NET 6.0 1024 None 19.083 μs 0.04 232 B
SeekForward .NET 5.0 1024 Asynchronous 453.645 μs 1.00 281 B
SeekForward .NET 6.0 1024 Asynchronous 19.511 μs 0.04 232 B

There is no improvement for SeekBackward benchmark, which uses SeekOrigin.End which requires the file length to be obtained.


We have noticed that when the file is opened for reading, we can cache the file length as long as it’s not shared for writing (FileShare.Write). In such scenarios, nobody can write to the given file and file length can’t change until the file is closed.

This change (#49975) was included in .NET 6 Preview 4.

[Benchmark(OperationsPerInvoke = OneKibibyte)]
public long GetLength(FileShare share)
    string filePath = _sourceFilePaths[OneKibibyte];
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, share, FourKibibytes, FileOptions.None))
        long length = 0;
        for (long i = 0; i < OneKibibyte; i++)
            length = fileStream.Length;
        return length;


The first-time access have not changed, but every next call to FileStream.Length can be even few dozens times faster.

Method Runtime share Mean Ratio
GetLength .NET 5.0 Read 1,932.00 ns 1.00
GetLength .NET 6.0 Read 58.52 ns 0.03

Kudos to @pentp who made it also possible for FileStream opened with FileShare.Delete (#56465).


In contrary to Windows, we can’t cache file length on Unix-like operating systems where the file locking is only advisory, and there is no guarantee that the file length won’t be changed by others.

Speaking of file locking, in .NET 6 preview 7 we have added a possibility to disable it on Unix. This can be done by using System.IO.DisableFileLocking app context switch or DOTNET_SYSTEM_IO_DISABLEFILELOCKING environment variable.



After @benaadams reported #25905 we have very carefully studied the profiles and WriteFile docs and got to the conclusion that we don’t need to extend the file before performing every async write operation. WriteFile() extends the file if needed.

In the past, we were doing that because we were thinking that SetFilePointer (Windows sys-call used to set file position) could not be pointing to a non-existing offset (offset > endOfFile). Docs helped us to invalidate that assumption:

It is not an error to set a file pointer to a position beyond the end of the file. The size of the file does not increase until you call the SetEndOfFile, WriteFile, or WriteFileEx function. A write operation increases the size of the file to the file pointer position plus the size of the buffer written, which results in the intervening bytes uninitialized.

Some pseudocode to show the difference:

public class FileStream
    long _position;
    SafeFileHandle _handle;

    async ValueTask WriteAsyncBefore(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer)
        long oldEndOfFile = GetFileLength(_handle); // 1st sys-call
        long newEndOfFile = _position + buffer.Length;

        if (newEndOfFile > oldEndOfFile) // this was true for EVERY write to an empty file
            ExtendTheFile(_handle, newEndOfFile); // 2nd sys-call

            SetFilePosition(_handle, newEndOfFile); // 3rd sys-call
            _position += buffer.Length;

        await WriteFile(_handle, buffer); // 4th sys-call

    async ValueTask WriteAsyncAfter(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer)
        await WriteFile(_handle, buffer, _position); // the ONLY sys-call
        _position += buffer.Length;

Once we had achieved a single sys-call per WriteAsync call, we worked on the memory aspect. In #50802 we have switched from TaskCompletionSource to IValueTaskSource. By doing that, we were able to get rid of the Task allocation for ValueTask-returning method overloads. In #51363 we have started re-using IValueTaskSource instances and eliminated the task source allocation. In the very same PR we have also changed the ownership of OverlappedData (#25074) and eliminated the remaining two most common allocations: OverlappedData and ThreadPoolBoundHandleOverlapped.

Visual Studio Profiler Allocations, File IO improvements in .NET 6

All aforementioned changes were included in .NET 6 Preview 4. Let’s use the following benchmarks to measure the difference:

public Task WriteAsync(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => WriteAsync(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: FourKibibytes);

public Task WriteAsync_NoBuffering(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => WriteAsync(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: 1);

async Task WriteAsync(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options, int streamBufferSize)
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;
    Memory<byte> userBuffer = new Memory<byte>(_userBuffers[userBufferSize]);

    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_destinationFilePaths[fileSize], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, 
        FileShare.Read, streamBufferSize, options))
        for (int i = 0; i < fileSize / userBufferSize; i++)
            await fileStream.WriteAsync(userBuffer, cancellationToken);
Method Runtime fileSize userBufferSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1024 1024 Asynchronous 433.01 μs 1.00 4,650 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1024 1024 Asynchronous 402.73 μs 0.93 4,689 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 9,140.81 μs 1.00 41,608 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 5,762.94 μs 0.63 5,425 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 21,214.05 μs 1.00 80,320 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 4,711.63 μs 0.22 940 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 6,866.69 μs 1.00 20,416 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 2,056.75 μs 0.31 782 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 2,613,446.73 μs 1.00 7,987,648 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 425,094.18 μs 0.16 2,272 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 773,901.50 μs 1.00 1,997,248 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 141,073.78 μs 0.19 1,832 B

As you can see, FileStream.WriteAsync() is now be up to few times faster!


Unix-like systems don’t expose async file IO APIs (except of the new io_uring which we talk about later). Anytime user asks FileStream to perform async file IO operation, a synchronous IO operation is being scheduled to Thread Pool. Once it’s dequeued, the blocking operation is performed on a dedicated thread.

In case of WriteAsync, Unix implementation was already performing a single sys-call per invocation. But it does not mean that there was no place for other improvements! In #55123 the amazing @teo-tsirpanis has combined the concept of IValueTaskSource and IThreadPoolWorkItem into a single type. By implementing IThreadPoolWorkItem interface, the type gained the possibility of queueing itself on the Thread Pool (which normally requires an allocation of a ThreadPoolWorkItem). By re-using it, @teo-tsirpanis achieved amortized allocation-free file operations (per SafeFileHandle, when used non-concurrently). The optimization applied also to Windows implementation for synchronous file handles, but let’s focus on the Unix results:

Method Runtime fileSize userBufferSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1024 1024 None 53.002 μs 1.00 4,728 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1024 1024 None 34.615 μs 0.65 4,424 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1024 1024 Asynchronous 34.020 μs 1.00 4,400 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1024 1024 Asynchronous 33.699 μs 0.99 4,424 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 None 5,531.106 μs 1.00 234,004 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 None 2,133.012 μs 0.39 5,002 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 2,447.687 μs 1.00 33,211 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 2,121.449 μs 0.87 5,009 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 None 2,296.017 μs 1.00 29,170 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 None 1,889.585 μs 0.83 712 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 2,024.704 μs 1.00 18,986 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 1,897.600 μs 0.94 712 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 None 1,659.638 μs 1.00 7,666 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 None 1,519.658 μs 0.92 558 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 1,634.240 μs 1.00 7,698 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 1,503.478 μs 0.92 558 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 None 152,306.164 μs 1.00 2,867,840 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 None 141,986.988 μs 0.93 1,256 B
WriteAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 149,759.617 μs 1.00 1,438,392 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 147,565.278 μs 0.99 1,064 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 None 122,106.778 μs 1.00 717,584 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 None 114,989.749 μs 0.94 1,392 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 117,631.183 μs 1.00 717,472 B
WriteAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 113,781.015 μs 0.97 1,392 B

In the benchmark where we take advantage of FileStream buffering (fileSize==1048576 && userBufferSize==512) we can observe some additional memory allocation improvements that come from #56095 where we started to pool the async method builder by just annotating async methods with PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder attributes that have been introduced in .NET 6.

async ValueTask<int> ReadAsync(Task semaphoreLockTask, Memory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

async ValueTask WriteAsync(Task semaphoreLockTask, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)



Initially, FileStream.ReadAsync() has benefited a lot from file length caching and lack of file offset synchronization (.NET 6 preview 4). But since length can’t be cached for files opened with FileAccess.ReadWrite or FileShare.Write, we have decided to also limit it to a single sys-call (ReadFile). After #56531 got merged (.NET 6 Preview 7), ReadAsync ensures that the position is correct after the operation finishes. Without fetching file length before the read operation starts. Some pseudocode:

public class FileStream
    long _position;
    SafeFileHandle _handle;

    async ValueTask<int> ReadAsyncBefore(Memory<byte> buffer)
        long fileOffset = _position;
        long endOfFile = GetFileLength(_handle); // 1st sys-call

        if (fileOffset + buffer.Length > endOfFile) // read beyond EOF
            buffer = buffer.Slice(0, endOfFile - fileOffset);

        _position = SetFilePosition(_handle, fileOffset + buffer.Length); // 2nd sys-call

        await ReadFile(_handle, buffer); // 3rd sys-call

    async ValueTask<int> ReadAsyncBefore(Memory<byte> buffer)
        int bytesRead = await ReadFile(_handle, buffer, _position); // the ONLY sys-call
        _position += bytesRead;

        return bytesRead;

The reduced number of sys-calls and memory allocations (which were exactly the same as for WriteAsync described above) has clearly paid off for FileStream.ReadAsync() which is now up to few times faster, depending on file size, user buffer size and FileOptions used for the creation of FileStream:

public Task<long> ReadAsync(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => ReadAsync(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: FourKibibytes);

public Task<long> ReadAsync_NoBuffering(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => ReadAsync(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: 1);

async Task<long> ReadAsync(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options, int streamBufferSize)
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;
    Memory<byte> userBuffer = new Memory<byte>(_userBuffers[userBufferSize]);
    long bytesRead = 0;
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_sourceFilePaths[fileSize], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, streamBufferSize, options))
        while (bytesRead < fileSize)
            bytesRead += await fileStream.ReadAsync(userBuffer, cancellationToken);

    return bytesRead;
Method Runtime fileSize userBufferSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 5,163.71 μs 1.00 41,479 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 3,406.73 μs 0.66 5,233 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 6,575.26 μs 1.00 80,320 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 2,873.59 μs 0.44 936 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 1,915.17 μs 1.00 20,420 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 856.61 μs 0.45 782 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 714,699.30 μs 1.00 7,987,648 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 297,675.86 μs 0.42 2,272 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 192,485.40 μs 1.00 1,997,248 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 93,350.07 μs 0.49 1,040 B

Note: As you can see, the size of the user buffer (the Memory<byte> passed to FileStream.ReadAsync) has a great impact on the total execution time. Reading 1 MB file using 512 byte buffer was taking 3,406.73 μs on average, 2,873.59 μs for a 4 kB buffer and 856.61 μs for 16 kB. By using the right buffer size, we can speed up the read operation even more than 3x! Would you be interested in reading .NET File IO performance guidelines? (We want to know it before we invest our time in writing them).


ReadAsync implementation has benefited from the optimizations described for WriteAsync Unix implementation:

Method Runtime fileSize userBufferSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 None 3,550.898 μs 1.00 233,997 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 None 674.037 μs 0.19 5,019 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 744.525 μs 1.00 35,369 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 663.037 μs 0.91 5,019 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 None 537.004 μs 1.00 29,169 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 None 375.843 μs 0.72 706 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 499.676 μs 1.00 31,249 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 398.217 μs 0.81 706 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 None 187.578 μs 1.00 7,664 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 None 154.951 μs 0.83 553 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 189.687 μs 1.00 8,208 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 1048576 16384 Asynchronous 158.541 μs 0.84 553 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 None 49,196.600 μs 1.00 2,867,768 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 None 41,890.758 μs 0.85 1,124 B
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 48,793.215 μs 1.00 3,072,600 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 42,725.572 μs 0.88 1,124 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 None 23,819.030 μs 1.00 717,354 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 None 18,961.480 μs 0.80 644 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 5.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 21,595.085 μs 1.00 768,557 B
ReadAsync_NoBuffering .NET 6.0 104857600 16384 Asynchronous 18,861.580 μs 0.87 668 B

Read & Write

FileStream.Read() and FileStream.Write() implementation for files opened for synchronous IO was already optimal for all OSes. But that was not true for files opened for async file IO on Windows.

public long Read(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => Read(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: FourKibibytes);

private long Read(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options, int streamBufferSize)
    byte[] userBuffer = _userBuffers[userBufferSize];
    long bytesRead = 0;
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(
        _sourceFilePaths[fileSize], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, streamBufferSize, options))
        while (bytesRead < fileSize)
            bytesRead += fileStream.Read(userBuffer, 0, userBuffer.Length);

    return bytesRead;

public void Write(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options)
    => Write(fileSize, userBufferSize, options, streamBufferSize: FourKibibytes);

private void Write(long fileSize, int userBufferSize, FileOptions options, int streamBufferSize)
    byte[] userBuffer = _userBuffers[userBufferSize];
    using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_destinationFilePaths[fileSize], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, streamBufferSize, options))
        for (int i = 0; i < fileSize / userBufferSize; i++)
            fileStream.Write(userBuffer, 0, userBuffer.Length);


Prior to .NET 6 Preview 6, sync file operations for async file handles were simply starting async file operation by scheduling a new work item to Thread Pool and blocking current thread until the work was finished. Since we did not know whether given span was pointing to a stack-allocated memory, FileStream was also performing a copy of given memory buffer to a managed array rented from ArrayPool.

This has been changed in .NET 6 Preview 6 (#54266) and now sync operations on FileStream opened for async file IO on Windows just allocate a dedicated wait handle, start async operation using ReadFile or WriteFile sys-call and wait for the completion to be signaled by the OS.

Some pseudocode:

public class FileStream
    long _position;
    SafeFileHandle _handle;

    int ReadBefore(Span<byte> buffer)
        if (_handle.IsAsync)
            byte[] managed = ArrayPool.Shared<byte>.Rent(buffer.Length);
            buffer.CopyTo(managed, 0, buffer.Length);

            int bytesRead = ReadAsync(managed).GetAwaiter().GetResult();


            return bytesRead;

    int ReadAfter(Span<byte> buffer)
        if (_handle.IsAsync)
            var waitHandle = new EventWaitHandle();
            ReadFile(_handle, buffer, _position, waitHandle);


            int bytesRead = GetOverlappedResult(_handle);

            return bytesRead;

And again the reads and writes became up to few times faster!

Method Runtime fileSize userBufferSize options Mean Ratio Allocated
Read .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 5,138.52 μs 1.00 41,435 B
Read .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 2,333.87 μs 0.45 59,687 B
Write .NET 5.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 7,122.63 μs 1.00 41,421 B
Write .NET 6.0 1048576 512 Asynchronous 4,163.27 μs 0.59 59,692 B
Read .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 5,260.75 μs 1.00 80,075 B
Read .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 2,113.04 μs 0.40 55,567 B
Write .NET 5.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 20,534.30 μs 1.00 80,093 B
Write .NET 6.0 1048576 4096 Asynchronous 3,788.95 μs 0.19 55,572 B
Read .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 537,752.97 μs 1.00 7,990,536 B
Read .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 232,123.57 μs 0.43 5,530,632 B
Write .NET 5.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 2,486,838.27 μs 1.00 8,003,016 B
Write .NET 6.0 104857600 4096 Asynchronous 328,680.68 μs 0.13 5,530,632 B


Unix has no separation for async and sync file handles (the O_ASYNC flag passed to open() has no effect for regular files as of today) so we could not apply a similar optimization to Unix implementation.

Thread-Safe File IO

We recognized the need for thread-safe File IO. To make this possible, stateless and offset-based APIs have been introduced in #53669 which was part of .NET 6 Preview 7:

namespace System.IO
    public static class RandomAccess
        public static int Read(SafeFileHandle handle, Span<byte> buffer, long fileOffset);
        public static void Write(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, long fileOffset);

        public static ValueTask<int> ReadAsync(SafeFileHandle handle, Memory<byte> buffer, long fileOffset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
        public static ValueTask WriteAsync(SafeFileHandle handle, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, long fileOffset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

        public static long GetLength(SafeFileHandle handle);

    partial class File
        public static SafeFileHandle OpenHandle(string filePath, FileMode mode = FileMode.Open, FileAccess access = FileAccess.Read, 
            FileShare share = FileShare.Read, FileOptions options = FileOptions.None, long preallocationSize = 0);

By always requesting the file offset, we can use offset-based sys-calls (pread()|pwrite() on Unix, ReadFile()|WriteFile() on Windows) that don’t modify the current offset for the given file handle. It allows for thread-safe reads and writes.

Sample usage:

async Task ThreadSafeAsync(string path, IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers)
    using SafeFileHandle handle = File.OpenHandle( // new API (preview 6)
        path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, FileOptions.Asynchronous); 

    long offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < buffers.Count; i++)
        await RandomAccess.WriteAsync(handle, buffers[i], offset); // new API (preview 7)
        offset += buffers[i].Length;

Note: the new APIs don’t support Pipes and Sockets, as they don’t have the concept of Offset (Position).

Scatter/Gather IO

Scatter/Gather IO allows reducing the number of expensive sys-calls by passing multiple buffers in a single sys-call. This is another high-performance feature that has been implemented for .NET 6 Preview 7:

namespace System.IO
    public static class RandomAccess
        public static long Read(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList<Memory<byte>> buffers, long fileOffset);
        public static void Write(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers, long fileOffset);

        public static ValueTask<long> ReadAsync(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList<Memory<byte>> buffers, long fileOffset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
        public static ValueTask WriteAsync(SafeFileHandle handle, IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers, long fileOffset, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

These methods map to the following sys-calls:

async Task OptimalSysCallsAsync(string path, IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers)
    using SafeFileHandle handle = File.OpenHandle(
        path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, FileOptions.Asynchronous); 

    await RandomAccess.WriteAsync(handle, buffers, fileOffset: 0); // new API (preview 7)


How performing fewer sys-calls affects performance?

const int FileSize = 100_000_000;
string _filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName());
byte[] _buffer = new byte[16000];

public void Write()
    byte[] userBuffer = _buffer;
    using SafeFileHandle fileHandle = File.OpenHandle(_filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

    long bytesWritten = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < FileSize / userBuffer.Length; i++)
        RandomAccess.Write(fileHandle, userBuffer, bytesWritten);
        bytesWritten += userBuffer.Length;

public void WriteGather()
    byte[] userBuffer = _buffer;
    IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers = new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>[] { _buffer, _buffer, _buffer, _buffer };
    using SafeFileHandle fileHandle = File.OpenHandle(_filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

    long bytesWritten = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < FileSize / (userBuffer.Length * 4); i++)
        RandomAccess.Write(fileHandle, buffers, bytesWritten);
        bytesWritten += userBuffer.Length * 4;


The very strict WriteFileGather() requirements were not met, and we have not observed any gains.

Method Median
Write 78.48 ms
WriteGather 77.88 ms


We have observed 8% gain due to fewer sys-calls:

Method Median
Write 96.62 ms
WriteGather 89.87 ms

Preallocation Size

We have implemented one more performance and reliability feature that allows users to specify the file preallocation size: #45946.

When PreallocationSize is specified, .NET requests the OS to ensure the disk space of a given size is allocated in advance. From a performance perspective, the write operations don’t need to extend the file and it’s less likely that the file is going to be fragmented. From a reliability perspective, write operations will no longer fail due to running out of space since the space has already been reserved.

On Unix, it’s mapped to posix_fallocate() or fcntl(F_PREALLOCATE) or fcntl(F_ALLOCSP). On Windows, to SetFileInformationByHandle(FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO).

async Task AllOrNothingAsync(string path, IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> buffers)
    using SafeFileHandle handle = File.OpenHandle(
        path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, FileOptions.Asynchronous
          preallocationSize: buffers.Sum(buffer => buffer.Length)); // new API (preview 6)

    await RandomAccess.WriteAsync(handle, buffers, fileOffset: 0); 

If there is not enough disk space, or the file is too large for the given filesystem, an IOException is thrown. For Pipes and Sockets, the preallocationSize is ignored.

The example above uses the new File.OpenHandle API, but it’s also supported by FileStream.


Let’s measure how specifying the preallocationSize affects writing to a 100 MB file using 16 KB buffer:

string _filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName());
byte[] _buffer = new byte[16000];

public void PreallocationSize(bool specifyPreallocationSize)
    byte[] userBuffer = _buffer;
    using SafeFileHandle fileHandle = File.OpenHandle(_filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose, 
        specifyPreallocationSize ? FileSize : 0); // the difference

    long bytesWritten = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < FileSize / userBuffer.Length; i++)
        RandomAccess.Write(fileHandle, userBuffer, bytesWritten);
        bytesWritten += userBuffer.Length;


We can observe a very nice performance gain (around 20% in this case) and a flatter distribution.

Method specifyPreallocationSize Median Min Max
PreallocationSize False 77.07 ms 75.78 ms 91.90 ms
PreallocationSize True 61.93 ms 61.46 ms 63.86 ms


In the case of Ubuntu, we can observe an even more impressive perf win (more than 50% in this case):

Method specifyPreallocationSize Median Min Max
PreallocationSize False 96.65 ms 95.41 ms 101.78 ms
PreallocationSize True 43.70 ms 43.07 ms 51.50 ms


To improve the user experience of creating new FileStream instances, we are introducing a new type called FileStreamOptions which is an implementation of the Options pattern. It’s part of .NET 6.0 Preview 5.

namespace System.IO
    public sealed class FileStreamOptions
        public FileStreamOptions() {}
        public FileMode Mode { get; set; }
        public FileAccess Access { get; set; } = FileAccess.Read;
        public FileShare Share { get; set; } = FileShare.Read;
        public FileOptions Options { get; set; }
        public int BufferSize { get; set; } = 4096;
        public long PreallocationSize { get; set; }

    public class FileStream : Stream
        public FileStream(string path, FileStreamOptions options);

Sample usage:

var openForReading = new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Open };
using FileStream source = new FileStream("source.txt", openForReading);

var createForWriting = new FileStreamOptions
    Mode = FileMode.CreateNew,
    Access = FileAccess.Write,
    Options = FileOptions.WriteThrough,
    BufferSize = 0, // disable FileStream buffering
    PreallocationSize = source.Length // specify size up-front
using FileStream destination = new FileStream("destination.txt", createForWriting);

Moreover, we have hidden the [Obsolete] FileStream constructors to exclude them from IntelliSense.

Breaking changes

Synchronization of async operations when buffering is enabled

On Windows, for FileStream opened for asynchronous IO with buffering enabled, calls to ReadAsync() (#16341) and FlushAsync() (#27643) were performing blocking calls when they were filling or flushing the buffer.

In order to fix that, we have introduced synchronization in #48813. When buffering is enabled, all async operations are serialized.

This introduced the first breaking change: FileStream.Position is now updated after the asynchronous operation completes, not before the operation is started. FileStream has never been thread-safe, but for those of you who were starting multiple asynchronous operations and not awaiting them, you won’t observe an updated Position before awaiting the operations (the order of the operations is not going to change). The recommended approach is to use the new APIs for Scatter/Gather IO.

Since this is an anti-pattern, and should be rare, we won’t go into details, but you can read more about it in #50858.

Tracking file offset only in memory

None of the FileStream.Read*() and FileStream.Write*() operations synchronize the offset with the OS anymore. The current offset can be obtained only with a call to FileStream.Position or FileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current). If you obtain the handle by calling FileStream.SafeFileHandle, and ask the OS for the current offset for the given handle by using the SetFilePointerEx or lseek sys-call, it won’t always return the same value as FileStream.Position. It works in the other direction as well: if you obtain the FileStream.SafeFileHandle and use a sys-call that modifies the offset, FileStream.Position won’t reflect the change. Since we believe that this is a very niche scenario, we won’t describe the breaking change in detail here. For more details, please refer to #50860.

.NET 5 compatibility mode

You can request .NET 5 compatibility mode in runtimeconfig.json:

    "configProperties": {
        "System.IO.UseNet5CompatFileStream": true

Or using the following environment variable:


This mode is going to be removed in .NET 7. Please let us know if there is any scenario that can’t be implemented in .NET 6 without using the .NET 5 compatibility mode.

What’s Next?

We have already started working on adding support for a new FileMode that is going to allow for atomic appends to end of file: #53432.

We are considering adding io_uring support as part of our .NET 7 planning. If you would benefit from FileStream performance improvements on 5.5+ kernels, please share your scenario on the dotnet/runtime#51985 issue to help us prioritize that effort.


In .NET 6, we’ve made several improvements to file IO:

  • Async file IO can be now up to few times faster and allocation-free.
  • Async file IO on Windows is not using blocking APIs anymore.
  • New stateless and offset-based APIs for thread-safe file IO have been introduced. Some overloads accept multiple buffers at a time, allowing to reduce the number of sys-calls.
  • New APIs for specifying file preallocation size have been introduced. Both performance and reliability can be improved by using them.
  • FileStream.Position is not synchronized with the OS anymore (it’s tracked only in memory).
  • FileStream.Position is updated after the async operation has completed, not before it was started.
  • Users can request .NET 5 compatibility mode using a configuration file or an environment variable.
  • FileStream behavior for edge cases has been aligned for both Windows and Unix.

Let us know what you think!

The post File IO improvements in .NET 6 appeared first on .NET Blog.

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